Since those with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) frequently have wild emotional vacillations, odd black-and-white thinking, and scary disruptive behavior, it is commonly believed that they must have different type of emotions than everybody else. This, however, is a myth. Their emotional experience is the same as other people’s, they just struggle to have adequate internal coping mechanisms to handle their emotional pain or strong impulses. As mentioned in the article of Borderline Personality Disorder: Definition , it is their difficulty to regulate emotional challenges and impulses that causes their dysfunctional and erratic behavior. Medication is only one part of an effective treatment plan. Psychotherapy is also a necessary critical component to achieve lasting improvements in those diagnosed with BPD. Currently the gold standard in counseling modalities for BPD is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, Professor at the Unive...
.....using practical psychology to explore life challenges.