There are many excellent books written about Borderline Personality Disorder. Here are a few that I found particularly helpful. Please be aware these references are not listed alphabetical, but rather in order of my favorite. Overcoming Borderline Personality Disorder: A Family Guide for Healing and Change by Valerie Porr, MA (2010, Oxford University Press) Valerie Porr, MA, is the founder of the non-profit organization Treatment and Research Advancement-NationalAssociation for Personality Disorder ( TARA APD) whose mission is to increase education and research in the field of personality disorder. She has written this outstanding book on BPD. It provides a comprehensive overview of the disorder, which includes the latest research on the etiology of the disease and the latest treatment options. It is primarily written for family members with loved one with BPD who are looking for effective coping strategies and compassionate interpersonal techniques to r...
.....using practical psychology to explore life challenges.